A Workshop with Jean Clark From Semi-Foetal to Fully Supine – short version

This is only an extract – if you sign up (it’s free!) and then sign-in you can watch the whole video

This workshop was part of a series where Jean works with Alexander Teachers to explore Raymond Dart’s ideas of human developmental movement (please reference pages 49-54 of Dart’s book “Skill and Poise”). This workshop explores early some of our very earliest developmental movement and is called “From Semi-Foetal to Fully Supine”. Jean qualified as an Alexander Teacher in 1969 after training with Walter and Dilys Carrington. She co-directed a teacher training course in North London for nine years and subsequently ran her own training course for three years. Throughout her years of private teaching she has also been a visiting teacher in schools and congresses of the Alexander Technique throughout the world. She has a particular interest in the work of Professor Raymond Dart on developmental movement and how it correlates with Alexander’s discoveries.

Posted on 13 September 2021